Buy Jiko Stove [CRACKED]
Jikokoa offers all the benefits that a charcoal stove provides. However, the technological innovations employed in its production make it several notches better than regular charcoal stoves. Below is a list of these innovations
buy jiko stove
The ashtray also serves as a control for the heat output. Jikokoa has two levels of combustion, the low-power, and the high-power. By pushing the ashtray all the way in, you set the stove to low-power, which makes the charcoal burn slowly by reducing airflow.
Fuel efficiency: One obvious advantage that gas cookers have over the Jikokoa stove is the wider range of adjustable heat levels. This gives you more control of the heat you apply as you cook. Jikokoa only has two levels; the low-power and the high-power, which limits control. However, in other features, Jikokoa offers a preferable alternative.
Initially, gas cookers were the best options for the kitchen; they were trendy, came in different shapes and sizes, and did a better job than their alternatives. Now, gas cookers have lost some qualities that made them an attractive option, and the disadvantages now outweigh the advantages. Burn Manufacturing has made charcoal stoves the best option for homes through their innovations. Get your Jikokoa today and lose the stress of managing fuel consumption. Happy cooking.
In the developing world most deforestation supplies urban areas with cooking charcoal. Charcoal burn trees in rural areas, then ship the bags into town where space is more limited. The loss of energy from the wood during charcoal burning is a devastating factor of 9. The efficient Zoom Jet is reducing demand for charcoal at point of use. Its is widely used and distributed in East Africa where it meets a demand for a fuel saving cookstove. Cook African with your Zoom Jet.
Our latest charcoal stove saves 70% on fuel consumption, and produces 70% less smoke. It is by far our most efficient stove ever, helping to reduce deforestation by saving 40 trees over its 5 year lifetime.Globally accepted testing standards have likened it to cooking with an LPG stove, that is how healty it is! This is revolutionary for a charcoal stove.
In March of this year, a ban on charcoal trade and logging was put into place because our forests are disappearing, rivers are drying up and floods are destroying peoples livelihoods.The health of Kenyans is also at risk with 16,600 people dying yearly from respiratory diseases. 4,900 of these deaths are children, as women and children are the most affected by household air pollution. This problem is not restricted to Kenya, with over 3 billion people worldwide still cooking on solid fuels like charcoal and firewood! The damage to people's health and the environment is unspeakable. Our new stove reduces toxic emissions like CO and PM2.5 (atmospheric particulate matter) by 70%!
EcoZoom is a social enterprise that makes clean burning, portable wood and charcoal powered cookstoves, and solar powered lighting solutions. We believe cooking should be healthy, efficient and eco-friendly for everyone, regardless of socio-economic status. Visit our global website, to learn more about our international impact.
EcoZoom cookstoves and solar products offer a reliable and affordable solution! Our solar products completely eliminate the need for kerosene. We are currently selling our stoves in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Somalia and South Africa. Other countries include Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan and India.
Morsø Jiko is a small, wood-fired African inspired outdoor stove that is serviceable as a fire pit, but also excellent for cooking in the open. Morsø Jiko makes it possible to bring the well-known Morsø qualities from the terrace into nature to cook authentic food on open fire.
The SuperSaver Premium Charcoal stove is the most powerful, fastest boiling charcoal stove on the market.With unparalleled durability, this stove is easy to light, clean, and simmer foods on.Cook traditional foods like rice, ugali, and banku in under 20 minutes.
Traditional cooking methods in Sub-Saharan Africa involve burning solid fuel on smoky open fires and cookstoves. This method is inefficient as unnecessary heat is wasted, escaping around the pan. It also produces a great amount of smoke from the wood being burnt, leading to indoor air pollution which can cause respiratory disease and contribute to global climate change.
The Kenyan Jikokoa stove project uses funds received through the purchase of carbon credits to invest in research and development, marketing and distribution efficiencies to improve the quality of the stoves further.
This project has additional indirect social and environmental benefits. The stoves are manufactured in a solar-powered factory, which employs more than 100 people and offers equal opportunities to women in a traditionally male-dominated industry. In fact, over 50% of the staff at Burn (the manufacturer of the stove) are women.
As well as creating more jobs for women in the community, Climate Care says that families can actually save up to $300 per year in reduced fuel consumption by using the Burn Jikokoa stove in their homes.
Ceramic cookstoves in sub-Saharan Africa are proving effective at easing some health symptoms associated with inhalation of smoke and other pollutants from traditional cooking fires. But a key metric of health in children -- pneumonia burden -- appears to be unaffected by the stoves' deployment in one western Kenyan district.
Those findings, from Emory University and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and published in the latest American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, cast doubt on the ability of some higher-efficiency cookstoves to significantly improve the health of young children, according to the researchers.
At the same time, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from 50 countries published updated figures last week suggesting that household air pollution generated by cookstoves kills an estimated 4 million people each year, twice the level previously believed. Those findings, published in the journal Lancet as part of the latest "Global Burden of Disease" report, were received with alarm by public health advocates who have worked for years to improve cooking conditions in the developing world.
Radha Muthiah, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, called the updated mortality figure on household air pollution "shocking," adding that it "necessitates a redoubling of alliance efforts to ensure that cooking a meal is a life-enriching, and not life-taking, activity for all people."
A closer look at one stove typeThe Emory-CDC study focused on one variety of more efficient, ceramic cookstove currently used in western Kenya. And although its findings were not comprehensive, the research suggests that improving indoor air pollution for several billion of the world's poorest could prove far more difficult than once believed.
And coupled with the latest findings on indoor air quality's role in global disease burden, the research provides a clarion call for governments, health agencies, nonprofit organizations and independent researchers to continue refining the design, manufacture and deployment of cleaner-burning cookstoves.
The study found that women who used one brand of unvented stove, known in Swahili as upesi jiko, reported that the units produced less smoke than traditional "three-stone" fire pits, in part because they required less fuel to cook. And some inhalation symptoms, such as stinging eyes and runny noses, were less pronounced when the stoves were used.
Even so, researchers found the stoves reduced air pollution by only 13 percent over traditional fires, and they made no significant difference in the rate of pneumonia in children under 3 years of age.
"Despite requiring less fuel, these stoves may not burn clean enough," said Robert Quick, a co-author of the Kenya paper and researcher in the CDC's Division of Waterborne, Foodborne and Enteric Diseases. "The belief is that you need much more efficient burning, with a reduction in small particles [of less than 2.5 microns] of 50 percent or more, to really observe the health benefits."
Sumi Mehta, director of programs for the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, said, "This Kenya study underscores that fact that while cookstoves designed to burn more efficiently may save time and money by reducing fuel use and cooking faster, only cookstoves which offer substantial emissions reductions are likely to improve health."
While aimed primarily at improving health conditions, improved cookstoves have also become a key tool in efforts to help developing countries reduce their carbon footprints because the improved devices generally emit far less carbon dioxide than traditional fires. To that end, the United Nations has approved a program allowing for the creation of voluntary emission credits from the use of clean-burning stoves. Such credits can be sold in international carbon markets.
Since 2008, households in the district have been able to purchase locally made upesi jiko stoves for $2 to $3, and some homes in the water quality study were using the ceramic stoves. The researchers evaluated how cough, pneumonia and severe pneumonia rates differed among infants in different homes, and whether the differences were related to the use of the cookstoves or traditional fire pit cooking.
Meanwhile, research continues under the guidance of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a public-private partnership of the United Nations Foundation, and the World Health Organization to evaluate technologies that most effectively reduce pollution and aid in overall health conditions for women and children in developing countries. 041b061a72