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Philip Galkin
Philip Galkin

Digital Integrated Circuits : A Design Perspective __HOT__

As applied t digital integrated circuits, the MDs transistor is studied in depth-from its fabrication to its electrical characteristics. Combinational, sequential, and dynamic logic circuits are considered. While the focus of the course is on CMOS technology, bipolar, nMOS, and BiCMOS circuits are introduced as well. SPICE is used as both an analysis and design tool. Semiconductor memory circuits are also discussed.

Digital integrated circuits : a design perspective

This course covers the analysis and design of digital integrated circuits using CMOS technology. The course emphasizes design, and requires extensive use of MAGIC for circuit layout, and HSPICE and IRSIM for simulations.

There is a significant emphasis on the design aspect of the digital design process. The grade is based on problem sets, one design project, and two in-class quizzes. The final grade is calculated approximately using the following weights:

CoverageEECS 312 introduces students to the analysis and design of digital integrated circuits. MOSFET operation and the design of high-performance and low-power logic gates are covered, as are combinational and sequential logic design fundamentals.

LabManual analysis and commercial computer-aided design software will be used throughout the semester during the design and evaluation of increasingly complex circuits. Laboratory assignments will require a gradually increasing degree of creativity in determining circuit components and structure, culminating in an open-ended final design project. Students will learn basic digital circuit performance, power consumption, and reliability optimization techniques.

Additional InformationEECS 312 provides a bridge between discrete digital system design based on switching and sequential network theory and the non-ideal devices from which real integrated circuits are constructed. It builds a foundation for later courses in VLSI Design and also gives computer architects a competitive advantage by exposing them to the complex, non-digital behavior of the devices and circuits with which digital systems are implemented.

Progressive in content and form, this text successfully bridges the gap between the circuit perspective and system perspective of digital integrated circuit design. Beginning with solid discussions on the operation of electronic devices and in-depth analysis of the nucleus of digital design, the text maintains a consistent, logical flow of subject matter throughout. The revision addresses today's most significant and compelling industry topics, including: the impact of interconnect, design for low power, issues in timing and clocking, design methodologies, and the tremendous effect of design automation on the digital design perspective. The revision reflects the ongoing evolution in digital integrated circuit design, especially with respect to the impact of moving into the deep-submicron realm.

Design of CMOS digital integrated circuits at the transistor level. Related topics include MOSFET switch and models, logic gate design, transistor sizing, interconnect parasitics, gate delay, timing design, logical effort, static and dynamic logic families, latch and flip-flop elements, arithmetic circuits.

Electrical engineering includes the broad range of design, construction,and operation of electrical components, circuits, and systems. Thisincludes sustainable energy and electric power, signal and imageprocessing, embedded systems, nanotechnology, antennas, RF andcommunication systems, and all phases of the transmission ofinformation.

Laboratories are an important part of most undergraduate courses in theelectrical engineering program. Use of appropriate laboratory equipment,design tools, and components demonstrates fundamental concepts of thecourses and acquaints students with methods and tools they may use aftergraduation. The department has five teaching laboratories that supportcourses in electric circuits, electronics, systems, logic design, RF andcommunication. In addition, the program has a laboratory dedicated tosenior design projects. All laboratories are supported by the facilitiesof the Engineering Computing Center.

The Digital Systems Laboratory provides complete facilities forexperiments and projects ranging in complexity from a few digitalintegrated circuits to FPGA-based designs. The laboratory also includesa variety of development systems to support embedded systems and digitalsignal processing.

Design and analysis of BJT and MOSFET analog ICs. Study of analogcircuits such as comparators, sample/hold amplifiers, and switchedcapacitor circuits. Architecture and design of analog to digital anddigital to analog converters. Reference and biasing circuits. Study ofnoise and distortion in analog ICs. Prerequisite: ELEN 116.Co-requisite: ELEN 117L. (4 units)

The fundamental characteristics of passive and active electricalcomponents. Parasitics, models, and measurements. Modeling of circuitinterconnects . Study of crosstalk in high-speed digital circuits,matching circuits, power dividers and microwave filters. Prerequisite:ELEN 105. Co-requisite: ELEN 144L. (4 units)

Analysis, design, and optimization of power systems for traditional andrenewable power generation. Balanced three phase circuits. Transformersand transmission lines. Prerequisite: ELEN 100 or PHYS 12. Co-requisite:ELEN 183L. (4 units) 041b061a72


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    Andrew Panfilov
  • Philip Galkin
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