Santiago Of The Seas
The show follows Santiago, an 8-year-old pirate, and his crew as they embark on rescues, uncover hidden treasures and keeps the Caribbean high seas safe. The show is infused with Spanish language and Latino-Caribbean culture and curriculum.[3]
Santiago of the Seas
Adventure on the high seas got a lot more fun when Santiago and his friends stepped into their new swashbuckling gig. With little touches of magic to keep things really interesting, Santiago, Lorelei, and Tomas take their fearlessness and compassion wherever the fates take them and find big and small ways to help those they encounter. As Santiago is inspired by brave and true pirates who came before him, he lets their example guide him to be a good person as well.
Santiago of the Seas is an American CGI animated television series created by Niki Lopez, Leslie Valdes, and Valerie Walsh Valdes that premiered on Nickelodeon on October 9, 2020. The show follows Santiago, an 8-year-old pirate, and his crew as they embark on rescues, uncover hidden treasures and keeps the Caribbean high seas safe. The show is infused with Spanish language and Latino-Caribbean culture and curriculum.
Santiago of the Seas (Originally known as The Swashbuckling Adventures of Capitán Calavera) is an American-Canadian interactive-action-adventure CGI animated television series created by Niki López, Leslie Valdes and Valerie Walsh Valdes. It premiered on Nickelodeon on October 9, 2020 and on the Nick Jr. Channel on October 10, 2020. The series was renewed for a second season on February 18, 2021.
With the premiere of the second season tomorrow on Nickelodeon of Santiago of the Seas, we are happy to share with you an Exclusive Clip from the series. This features Captain Calavera, who is voiced by Ismael Cruz Cordova. You can check it out below! 041b061a72